#cerifikn nation
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fox0war · 1 year ago
3rd and final story for Pho'Bous rn :3
How to ask....
Ever since he had joined Kezrue's group, Pho'Bous was actually feeling.... somewhat happy. She was so kind to him, and so was everyone else. He didn't even have to do much work according to her, but he was still sure to work himself to the bone just to assure that she'd stay happy with him. It was almost funny to him, how worried she'd get about how much he was working, she had promised him not much after all! But it made him so happy for once in his like to be so helpful. 
That's why when he noticed something wrong, he hid it. He was scared she'd get mad at him for changing, even if it wasn't his fault. What had changed? You might ask, well, his tongue had turned a pitch black. Now he only looked even uglier, he thought to himself. And worse, he noticed another change later, he noticed that when he was feeling extreme emotion of any kind his flesh would tint a new color, anything not hidden by thick fur. Such as his paw pads. 
Every day he hid these changes, eating completely alone whenever he could and trying to hide exposed flesh. The second of which luckily was easily excused by the terribly cold weather. But the first? He loved eating with other people before, so that was quite the change. Some other group members even approaching him to ask about it but he just kindly waved them off saying something about not feeling well or something similar. 
Though, Pho'Bous had to admit, it did scare him slightly. And he did really want to ask Kezrue if she knew anything about it. But she was a busy woman, and while she had been sweet to him, he didn't know how she would react. He hoped, truly hoped, it would be positive. He'd at least bring a gift when he talked about it, yeah, that's how he'd make sure she wouldn't be upset. Gifts always make people happy! 
What to get her though…
Perhaps some warm clothes? She always loved those, after all, she was naturally a tropical krenchi. The cold was even harsher to her than to poor Pho'Bous, at least he had fur. Maybe he could even find something fancy for her! Get it for her while he was out doing some of the extra work he had taken on. Something extra soft might be nice, and in colors that complimented her own. She had said purple was her favorite color, right? That'd also be a nice choice. 
Later that night he headed out, making the excuse of just "doing my extra chores". But of course, that wasn't what he was doing. He slipped into a fancy store, it was a good thing he had been saving his money for so long, after all, talk or no, he did want to give her a gift for everything she had done for him. Rations... shelter.... friends...... they were all such lovely gifts. So it was only fair he gave back! 
He spent awhile looking through all the warm items, making sure whatever he picked out would be perfect for her, because she deserved something perfect. And eventually, he found something he thought was perfect, a nice warm and fluffy coat made for tropical krenchi that was in the most lovely shade of purple. Fancy golden decorations sewn in. 
He bought it as soon as he saw it. It took all of his savings but it was worth it, leaving with it carefully folded in a discreet bag. And as he headed back to the encampment he was careful to make it seem like he had nothing suspicious in that bag. Eventually, coming up to Kezrue's tent. He was nervous, his mask immediately beginning to drip more than usual, but despite his nervousness, he asked from outside... 
"Kezrue? May I come in? It's Pho'Bous"
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fox0war · 1 year ago
Me with most of my ocs (but especially Pho'Bous the poor baby)
I love my OC!
*puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the hor
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csvent-2 · 7 months ago
I’m really annoyed by this closed species that I’m currently in called cerifikn nation, we’re the owner literally uses the @ everyone feature basically daily. They keep pinging everybody for things like events, game get-togethers, Q&As, when they are “ bored and want someone to talk to”, adopts, and a few other things. Whenever they pinging for adopts their go to message for the last like five adopts is “give me money” and I’m not even kidding. Like why the fuck do that? I’m very tempted to leave like the other person who got tired of their shit, I have my own reasons to stay at the moment…
Please OP, I’m begging you to make role pings, idgaf if you’re eating out and wanna do Q&A 4x a week, I don’t. Please make role pings. And stop making it obvious you largely only care about money with your quirky “give me money” messages. You’re not cute, you’re annoying. None of your stuff is selling anyways, look into making your species better so things will actually sell.
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csmeaner · 3 years ago
Hey thanks for tagging me in that callout.
I just wanna say that, that person did all of this because they broke the rules enough time to get a 24 hour ban group the group.
They did this within their ban too.
I can't say I didn't expect my name to be up here but I'm not mad, just a bit upset that I have to show my side of the argument now because it'll take hours to put the screenshots in chronological order.
I'll answer any questions in the meantime though.
Oh also before I feed my cat, Benedict <3,
I run an OPEN Arpg. You can make as many characters as you want to join, given they follow the guidelines. It's also stupidly easy to buy trait upgrades in the shop (once school ends I can finish the Shop updates and re-release it for Player use.)
Im going through major updates for the group, even trying to raise money for a coder because im 15 and have never touched a bit of coding in my life, no less the kind needed to make a Breeding roller/ Activity rollers.
Anyway tangent over,
Hope you have a good day Mod Shit/Whoever runs this blog.
The shithead ;)
oh ho ho ho you sack of shit it's time. i was having a pretty good day and then you green-beaked bitch had to open your stupid fucking mouth @pikku-peruna
for anyone curious this is what they are in reply to, talking mad shit to a user for breaking the rules: here and here
and then they have the AUDACITY to message me like this as if the user breaking a rule was somehow the problem here. read those messages again and you'd have to be intentionally obtuse of stupid or both to not see the way you talked to someone is the entire reason this is an issue in the first place
and THEN GUYS while i was out they seemed to get it through their thick head that what they said was going to bite them in the ass and tried to backtrack by messaging all around as if that didn't make them look worse. i'm posting it all here because you pikku are a sack of shit that needs to face the consequences of your actions idc that you're 15 you have no right to talk to someone else like that and it's honestly pathetic you're trying to use your age to protect you from clearly abusive language
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even going to other messages to try and save your image
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and then what is definitely pikku on anon trying to save their own ass:
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Okay, you want me to be the adult in this situation? Then I will. I am going to hold you accountable for every single thing you said and did and I am not going to let you sweep this under the rug to protect yourself. You made a mistake but you clearly are not apologetic for anything and are only saying things to get out of judgement. You have hurt others and stepped all over them and then have the audacity to ask for pity.
You are a cunt that did all of this to yourself. Every single screenshot clearly show your own deplorable behavior. Your private message to me is also nothing but backhanded attempts to save your pride and manipulate things to your benefit. You know exactly what you are doing. It doesn't matter what the other user did either because the way you treated them, swore needlessly, acted flippant and dismissive, gave warnings and then a ban without consultation, is what is being laid out, not to mention all of this attempt to save your 'reputation' that you have sunk by your own two hands.
I don't need an apology from a canker sore like you. Perhaps one day you can look back on this and realize how much of this is your entire fault, but I doubt right now you can fathom it. Go fuck yourself, it's on the internet forever.
Eat shit.
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cspraise · 3 years ago
More on Cerifikn Nation, adopt prices are super cheap and the owner always has species customs open!
You can do gift art for the species currency Plates to buy MYO slots from the server shop!
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csscreenshots · 3 years ago
Pikku-Peruna, the 15-year-old owner of the Cerifikn-Nation ARPG, has several screenshots of them verbally abusing users, as well as manipulative behavior once word of this abuse came to light. The user in question is a minor so please keep that in mind and understand they need to learn from this, as well as to not witchhunt or harass them or their ARPG over a personal issue.
On May 23 an anonymous user messaged CSmeaner regarding information the owner of the Cerifikn-Nation ARPG. When asked for screenshots they provided them, in which the owner swears and uses abusive language towards a member for breaking a rule. Below are the screenshots of the conversation.
The user is given several subsequent warnings and banned for 24 hours after this.
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Screenshot of a user having their characters voided for having the same character in multiple ARPG’s, a rule that the anonymous said was not stated when they did so. If one looks at the group it does not state in the rules either. The Cerifikn-Nation ToS as of this writing (May 28th) shows there is no mention of being unable to bring a Cerifikn-Nation character to other APRG’s and vice versa.
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An anonymous user brings up that there was not an announcement for the end of an event. Pikku-Peruna is defensive and becomes aggressive in turn, stating an announcement does not need to be made. The user is given a warning from this.
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Once these screenshots were posted Pikku-Peruna messaged CSmeaner (May 25) regarding the situation. The message centers on how the anonymous user above broke the rules and makes no mention to Pikku’s own behavior in response. Hours after the message was sent Pikku also messaged CSmeaner using tumblr’s instant messenger to ask for the posts be taken down. Below will show all the messages with a breakdown of their contents.
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States they are a minor, while also outing their and someone else’s trauma without the other party’s consent. As well, when they said they have made progress it does not mention one of the above events took play May 9th 2022, less than two weeks since this post. 
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Even if the conversations were cropped the behavior shown speaks for itself, as well as shows Pikku trying to make it seem they are being smeared.
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Reiterates that they are a minor to avoid consequence while also backhandedly insulting the other, and then proceeds to apologize.
Pikku will then go to several asks publicly apologizing in the notes. Below will be a link to the post itself along with a screenshot of the message in case they are removed.
Post one
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Post 2
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Post 3
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It was also found Pikku was talking about the same user above on May 18th in a different discord server, notably showing only their side of the conversation and seeking sympathy.
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Once more please do not harass this user under any circumstances. This blog is to document individuals prevalent in CS and prevent them from obscuring evidence of wrongdoings, as if common on the internet. Pikku is underaged and has made multiple bad decisions but it does not mean they are unable to learn from these mistakes and treat others with more respect moving forward. As it is, though, their current actions have warranted them a post on this blog and there will be no discussion about taking it down.
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fox0war · 10 months ago
Okay pspsps come one come all I finally m going to make a proper intro for some of my cerifikn characters so y'all can meet them!! ------------ Also please consider joining the group! It's an ARPG (Art Role Playing Game) with several species, easy to aquire MYOs, a Semi-Open species for any and all newbies, and great community! Plus various other things I love! It is 16+ to join though so keep that in mind ------------ Anyways, now that we're done with that lil bit, are you ready to meet my lil cast? ;D (all refs here will be the most recent as of posting! Some may need to be updated in the future do to lore or just being outdated lol)
First off: My first character! It feels only appropriate to shine a light on her! Say a proper hello to Moss! She is a Smog-Imp! A type of Abyss demon which is also a very large single cell organism! She, in particular, is a 'Tundra' form one! Which means she's quite fluffy, has teeth on her mask (the bird skull looking thing), and unlike other Smog-Imps can consume meat! Though, she tends to stick to the standard plant diet anyway. She's also a serial adopter! She has much too many kids for me to list ATM but who knows, maybe she could adopt you too!
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She's also in a relationship with the mysterious NPC named Vlad! Who while technically an NPC, is also a character owned by @pikku-peruna! A good friend of mine who is also the group's owner! (Say a friendly hello to them for me!) Moss was gotten through a 2021 MYO event! She's one of my most used characters :D ------------ Now you all, if you've been following me, have met Pho'Bous before via his stories! And while his ref is somewhat out of date, he is also quite darling to me! Also gained through that 2021 MYO event (Which is what spurred me to join in the first place, fun fact!) it took me ages to get his design down on paper (or well, screen?) in a way I enjoyed! His design only being fully settled a year and a few months later! Fun fact, this sad little man was originally going to be a dragon themed guitar player, but I like this sad little we cat way better XD
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He is also one of my most used characters! If that wasn't already evident in how many posts I've made writing stories for him lol. He's currently on track to become a necromancer but shhh.. nobody tell him that <3 ------------ Ah yes a more recent one! Pri'tas was designed in 2023 as part of one of the group's design challenges! (Yet another free way to gain characters) Blessed with all of the "Master's Traits", mysterious features gained from an even more mysterious and unknown "Master". Pri'tas, himself, never met him, the Master just owed his parents a favor, but Pri'tas is now very dedicated to him. The Master didn't know what he was signing up for I guess, eh?
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The government is currently looking for him too, no not because of all the murder, silly! But because having all of the Master's traits gives you mysterious powers, powers that they want to research. So uh, maybe don't tell anyone you saw him here, k'ay? (; ------------ I have tons of other characters too! Such as a traveling trader, a harpy-like Smog-Imp trying to escape the same cult Pho'Bous loves so very much, and did I mention the several demigods? Well, I have those too! Feel free to ask about them or any of these characters! but the best place to ask is in the group, where I post about all my characters much more often! ------------ One more time, credit to @pikku-peruna! Owner of the group and species here! Go say hi to her for me <3 (And respect their pronouns or else I'll punt you)
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fox0war · 1 year ago
And one more story! But for a different character! The poor unfortunate Demi-God of pain...
CONTENT WARNING: Depicts death of a fictional child, it isn't SUPER detailed but it is gory, swerve outta hear if you don't wanna see that <3
Memories in Close Proximity
It wasn't fair to call what he was doing resting, it barely gave him energy, and the dreams never seemed to come forth. Neither was it fair to call it reminiscing, as despite what he saw being memories, he rarely saw a single speck of anything positive. It was perhaps best called...recounting. Recounting times long past. His life and its pain even before demi-godhood had gripped him so violently in its accursed claws. Tonight as he shut his eyes, he saw blood. That in of itself wasn't an odd sight for him, neither then or now, but whose blood it was made it a thousand times worse. He was young when it happened, both of them were, much too young. They were just children, it wasn't fair. It wasn't the slightest bit fair. That's what his mind spoke as he saw the black blood that splattered the alley walls, that coated his brother's fur. His sibling's flesh torn open and exposed to the air, teeth ripped from his chest and eyes slashed shut, the attacker clearly a krenchi as clarified by just how the marks formed on him. The most horrifying part though was that his brother was still breathing. His blood was still pumping, flowing through and out of him. Still suffering.
His brother tried weakly to escape when he heard Mi'ser I'os's steps, the blinded giglin feared it was his attacker again. But Mi'ser spoke up to comfort him, he couldn't remember what he said anymore, it was honestly a wonder he remembered any of this anymore. But the memory continued regardless of the parts Mi'ser I'os chose to focus on. Moving on to when he scooped his brother into his arms and moved deeper into the alleyway. Hiding him and his brother from the prying eyes of those who would sooner finish the job than help. The blood smearing on his own fur as he tried to help his brother Speaking softly in their native tongue, passed from their great grandparents, to their grandparents, to their mother and father, to them. Trying to keep his voice going even as tears tightened his throat so stranglingly. He felt his throat, in the present time tighten too. His tears strangling him once more. His own mind torturing him worse than that god ever could. Eventually, he felt his brother's body go cold, and he picked him up gently with his weak child arms, scrambling up a wall so he could be hidden from sight as he carried his once-sibling home. His mother and father needed to know after all, and his body deserved the respect of being buried with the rest of his siblings.
A giglin was not a usual fit for an only child, but it was no fault of his parents. After losing so many you can't blame them for refusing to drag more into the world. Both for the sakes of the children they'd bring in, and for themselves. It wasn't a kind world for anything that wasn't the typical, and the stars certainly didn't shine for them. They never would, would they? He got up not long after, grabbing a cup of water using a cup barely a decade or two younger than him, and downing it to finally free his tightened throat. And then he left his small hutch, waiting outside for any visitors, just like every other day. Letting the memories fade to the back of his head, and just focusing on how nice the day was that day. The snow being the most gentle thing he had seen in awhile. Good, he needed something nice. It wouldn't be long until that torturous god came around anyway. Not like he could do anything worse than tearing him apart. Oh well.
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fox0war · 1 year ago
Another funky story!
Seeking Them Out
Pho'bous was...... nervous to say the least, he doubted himself plenty. Was this really a good idea? He was only 92 after all! And what if this was a bad idea? Or worse, a trick! He tried to shake these negative thoughts out of his head, moving on to others. Oh yes he thought! He has to at least make himself presentable! So he grabbed one of his combs and started running it through his fluffy hair, and once that was finished he tried to conceal the dripping of his mask. Maybe moving his hair this way would help? Nonono that wouldn't work! Gah!
He was annoyed by his strange affliction, it made him look bad, he thought, since that's what he had been told. It was ugly and messy. It was horrible. Oh my gods, were his patterns always that ugly?? Surely so, he thought. There was no way someone like him could ever feel good. That's why he was going out to seek guidance. 
After awhile of trying to make himself look nice he decided that he was looking "good enough", so he grabbed a warm jacket and headed out into the night, making sure to tie the end with his nub, where had she said to go in the broadcast? Oh yes that was right- Powdersnow's graveyard, gah, such a scary place! He couldn't wait to get some guidance, but he wasn't excited to sleep in a graveyard.   
He sighed and made his way through the snow towards where the graveyard was, it was a good thing he lived somewhat nearby, who knows how long it might have taken him to get there if he hadn't? Soon enough though he was there, staring at the gravestones before him, that'd be him one day, he thought. Just another stone in a graveyard who nobody will remember.  
"I should've grabbed a pillow..." he whimpered softly to himself, there was no way this was going to be a comfortable sleep. But he was sure it would be worth it, she had promised guidance and he so desperately needed that guidance. So, he laid in the snow, Gods that snow was cold- it sent a shiver up his black spine. He used some of the snow to form a mock-pillow, just something to keep his head lifted. And then he shut his eyes, he prayed that this wasn't just some joke and that he might really be taken away. He needed this, or at least he thought he did.
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fox0war · 1 year ago
I rarely post my own stuff and I just reblogged something about putting one of my ocs through The Horrors(tm) so I'm going to post some of those stories now, starting with this one!
The Shop
Pho'Bous walked into the shop, a bag slung over one shoulder while he wore a thick jacket to hide himself from the cold. He looked around, it didn't seem to be too busy today, maybe it just wasn't a popular place? It... didn't matter though, popular or not it was the shop he entered, so he had to commit. He walked around for a fair while, seemed to sell a good variety of food, which was always good. But knowing what he was about to do caused him enough stress to make his mask drip more than usual. Good thing there was nobody to see. That and that there was nobody to see as he snuck a little pack of meat and a bottle of nectar into his bag. The guilt tugged at his core, but he needed these and didn't have enough money. They wouldn't mind.... right? Surely, it was only two out of many items! R-right? He forced those thoughts away best he could and closed up his bag, he knew that if he thought about it too much he might start to drip alot, or worse, if he got really stressed he might go berserk... that was always a really scary thought.  
He started to walk away, trying to focus his thoughts on something more positive, like how he'd finally be able to eat something of decent quality! Or how warm his jacket made him feel for once! It was nice to be warm. But those happy thoughts crashed down right as he heard the shop keep yelling at him. He knew he was caught. So... he ran for it, sprinting as fast as his legs could carry him out of the store with the shop keep, who was quite the large Mountain Krenchi, chasing after. Luckily though, for Pho'bous at least, he was able to slip by some areas the shop keep was too big to make it through.  
He was..... safe now. He was still very much scared and anxious, but safe. He shakily pulled out the bottle of nectar and twisted the cap open, savoring the smell for a moment before starting to drink. As he drank he took out the meat, setting it for the local scatties and hounds of various types. Feeding the local critters always calmed his nerves. He was pretty sure he even befriended a few that he fed often, making them some of his only friends. At least these friends wouldn't ignore him when he tried to talk about something! at least THESE  friends wouldn't- he sighed, he needed to not think about that. It was a bad idea to think about those things. So he pushed those thoughts down and just sipped at his little stolen award. It was nice to eat.
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fox0war · 10 months ago
Also pssst while I'm posting about cerifikn, I should show y'all some of my adopts! I am a ga after all! :D
My most recent is this fella! Just to show you what I've been brewing up :D They're pending rn but I thought it'd be good to show my most recent!
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---------- Then there's this one! "Hunting Duo", an ota adopt with two characters for the price of one! A lovely lil smog imp lady, and her pet wish bat!
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---------- I also have this lad! Also based off of the theme of hunting, simply titled "Hunter", they're also an ota!
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---------- Then there was this little gremlin! Made as part of a multi-artist pride batch! ota as well!
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---------- I have quite a few more but generally consider those my best that are open! Feel free to come Join and take a peak! (Heads up I take almost anything offer wise! With a preference towards Art, Characters, and Customs!)
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fox0war · 11 months ago
What does Phobous look like
I really should start posting refs more often, eh? But here's his most recent full ref! Which is somewhat out of date due to him gaining new traits, plus body adjustments for anatomy/story reasons
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At the moment, I have this lil doodle for how he looks after the last story I posted, minus the color
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Currently he's gaining even more "wonderful" little features, and trying to hide them as best as he can, soon enough he's going to be getting new ears and getting wrist/ankle spurs
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fox0war · 11 months ago
Ehehehe time to make the sad little meow meow suffer even more! Content warning for blood, injury, and maybe mild gore/self mutilation if you look at it a certain way? Enjoy~
Split in Two ------------------------------------- Pho'Bous woke before Fara's Joy dare rose above the mountains, a throbbing, dull, ache in his chest and throat. He quietly groaned, morning pain always sucked, especially when it covered so much area, though, he had never felt it quite like this before. Was this from pushing himself too much the other day?
Whatever. He had to get to work. It didn't matter if nobody else was awake yet, he had to make Kezrue proud. He jotted down a quick note to leave behind just in case anyone came looking for him, then left. Taking his bag, and borrowing another, as he did. Trudging through the crunchy morning snow, he honestly quite missed the coast, and Tippa! He missed both. He was from Tippa after all, and temporarily lived near the coast for school and therapy. How he would love if they were located somewhere warmer....
He did notice his coat starting to grow thicker lately, and a bit more wild, was that an effect of this region? Or.... part of the changes? He has heard stories about odd changes to the fur of other giglin before, but there was no way that was this, right?
He kept walking.
Gently attempting to soothe the pain in his chest, it started to feel more like he had been slashed than just a dull ache. He began to run a claw over the pained area, it almost felt like it dipped in? And whenever his claw went in to the dips it hurt some... maybe he should stop doing that. Oh! Perfect distraction! A snow hopper! is what he thought as he saw one of the small critters come near. He lowered down some, taking a weapon out from his bag, then, suddenly, struck as fast as lightning, killing it. He took it gently, setting it in his bag. Taking a life always felt so nasty, but honestly? He was starting to get used to it. He just hoped he'd never have to........
Oh hey some berries! He quickly turned tail to gather some of those as well, after all, alot of members don't even bother with eating meat! Hunting alone wouldn't be enough to feed everyone. He harvested a decent portion of them, but left behind a decent portion, the beasts needed to eat too after all. Ahh.. he missed feeding the feral scatties back in town, he would've adopted one if he could've cared for it, but alas... hopefully they got someone else to feed them. Maybe someone who didn't vent to them as much too, he thought, making him chuckle a bit. He really vented to some scatties? Now he just keeps it all inside. Nobody else gets bothered by it, so it must be fine!
Ow... he ached even more. Maybe he just needed to eat something? No... it wasn't in the right place for the hurt to be from that. He itched at the pained spots some, even though it made them hurt more and-
His hand went in.
He hissed in pain and tensed up in a mix of fear and confusion, quickly whipping his hand out of the now gap in his chest, only causing it to open further in his panic. Only causing him more pain. He hissed again and collapsed, Seeing now his hand was covered in gooey, clot like blood. Clearly whatever this was, was at least a few hours old and-
He hunched more in pain, practically balling up from the suffering, the worst part being that he could feel the control he had over each half, and he could feel it wasn't done opening.
He reached his hand over to one of the spots, clenching his jaw before suddenly RIPPING more of it open, mask dripping nearly blinding him, but he didn't let his pain stop him. He could feel that the lips of the gap went up his throat and through his lower jaw, so he reached up, bloodily prying it open. He could barely hear anything through the pain, surroundings turning to abyssal nothingness as he finished splitting it open. Breathing and wheezing heavily, face and chest mouth both as agape as the split now running through him. Ears ringing and body shaking.
After more than an hour, his senses had finally fully returned to normal. Body still shaking, he got up. He stumbled some as he did, stabilizing himself against a nearby tree. Still breathing quite hard, he didn't even notice how much he had soaked the snow below. Still in a form of daze.
After awhile longer he finally looked around his surroundings, Fara's Joy now into the sky. And so, he forced himself to stumble along like a staggering corpse. He had to make Kezrue proud. No matter the state he was in.
He continued along, gathering materials for fire, for tents, and for food. Still not... fully there as he did. But what did that matter anyway? He was going to make Kezrue proud.
Much, much, later he had finally come back to his mind fully. One bag fully packed, the other half full. Each filled with goodies, meats, fruits, some nice flowers for the smog imps among them, and of course, some lovely non edible stuff as well. The gap he had gained had closed itself up for now too, in response he covered as much as he could with his fur. Nobody needed to see after all, all they needed to see is what he brought back for camp! He should return soon anyway, shouldn't he? Don't want people thinking he's dead!
So, he began his trek back. He honestly didn't realize how far out he had made it until now. But even despite that the trip was still quick while he had his thoughts filling his mind. Those helped so often, didn't they? I mean, they we're even helping him help everyone else! Isn't that just lovely?
So, so, lovely.......
Back at camp he put everything away where it belonged, taking only a brief break for some food and water, then preparing to go out again. After all, the more he’d help, the better things would go, right?
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fox0war · 11 months ago
Who is Moss and who is Mushroom?
Moss and Mushroom are two ocs of mine from a cs group! The asker is part of the group hence why they know, but here are their current references! (I need to update Mushroom's because I made it ages ago lol)
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Moss is a species known as "Smog-Imp", a type of "Abyss demon", she's also a serial adopter and has tons of kiddos, none of which she shares blood with lol
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And Mushroom is one of those kiddos! I need to update the ref and eventually Age her up, but she's known as a "Nameless", which are eyeless mutated flying cat-goat things lmfao, she's also transfem when she ages up!
Edit: also here's what I plan to have her look like when she grows up, but it isn't Canon yet!
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fox0war · 11 months ago
I want to ask you questions and see you draw your characters in shitty doodles responding to them dammit. :gun:
Anyway hey Moss how is it taking care of Mushroom since they're blind and deaf?
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Certainly a difficult child to take care of, but worth the effort all the same!
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fox0war · 11 months ago
More Pho'Bous story time! Enjoy~
Brewing Hate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It had been a few days since the talk with Kezrue now, during which she had assured him and told him all is well, just to tell her if more changes would happen. Yet, it didn't feel okay, everyone else had been getting more of her focus lately. Even the new Imp he brought in, the one who seemed to be so shy interacting with anyone here, had been getting more focus. He didn't like to admit it, but he hated it, his flesh taking on a green tone. Eugh.. the shifting of color always felt so uncomfortable, but he had gotten better at ignoring it lately. Especially with it changing to be green more and more often. There was no way Kezrue was ignoring him on accident, did he mess up by telling her?
It was all too much at this point, thoughts rushing around his head. A swirl of jealousy for the attention others were getting, and hate for what he must've done wrong. So he left off to the forest, grabbing his now usual gear he'd take with him while collecting supplies to make it less suspicious. He needed to clear his head. At this rate he was worried he'd split in two from all of these thoughts. 
After quite the long walk he laid down in the snow, comfortable but so damn cold, something he was still getting used to. He just breathed slowly, in, out, in, out. Trying to think of anything else. Rid himself of those parasitic thoughts. He slid his dark tongue out, gently moving it into different shapes, being careful not to do anything that'd damage it. Circles were obviously done with ease, even tried doing hearts, all the while he picked gently at his chest mouth, feeling some discomfort near it, and his face mouth. Which despite of course, being uncomfortable, did help him wander off to other thoughts. Like how old members would sometimes mention a silenced Imp who ran away. He wondered it Hallow would follow in their footsteps, after all, they did seem quite uncomfortable. But surely, they'd grow to like it in time, right? He even wondered- and he thought this was a stupid thought- if anyone in the cult would grow to like him more than a friend? Surely though, that was a ridiculous idea. He had seemingly lost their leader's favor, how would he attract someone else's favor? He wouldn't, he simply thought. There's a reason he left home after all, nobody cared for him. 
He got up, he should actually do his job, shouldn't he? Maybe that will make Kezrue care for him again, bringing back more than expected of his job. He already tried to do that every time, as a thank you, but this time he could do even more. Maybe that would make her happy. 
Maybe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was getting dark now and he had worked himself to the bone, but he didn't feel finished. His bag was overflowing but it wasn't enough, he had to get everything he could before he returned. Or else he might as well keep being ignored. If he brought back enough- what was that snap? He turned his head quickly when he heard a twig snap, and thats when he saw another giglin from the group. He was quite startled to see him, and in return, the other giglin- named Tar'rai- seemed quite concerned when they saw Pho'Bous. 
"What are you doing out so late? You look like you're withering!" he exclaimed as he quickly approached Pho'Bous, "Esskrr's forests are an unsafe place for creatures like us at night! We're going back to base, now." 
"But-" Pho'Bous attempted to protest as he got grabbed by Tar'rai, who proceeded to interrupt him. 
"No buts! You're going to catch your death like this, be it sickness or to the claws of a beast!" He dragged Pho'Bous along. Pho'Bous in return, just sighed. He hadn't finished what he wanted to do. "Your pack is bursting at the seams, why didn't you return sooner?" questioned the other giglin. 
"I didn't feel done and still don't, so if you wouldn't mind-" 
"I do mind." He responded, cutting off Pho'Bous, "I'd rather you not die out here, all of us would rather you not die." "I wasn't going to die! I was just going to get more supplies-" he protested, getting cut off once more. 
"Three times as much as you're assigned to get? Really Pho?" spoke Tar'rai, side eyeing Pho'Bous as he kept bringing him along, camp finally in sight. 
"Haven't you noticed anything off lately?" He replied, hoping that he'd have noticed Kezrue acting differently towards him. 
"Yes, you. You've been acting so much more distant lately, it's suspicious Pho." Answered Tar'rai, "Once we're back at camp you're putting your stuff away immediately and heading to bed, got it?" 
"..fine" Pho'Bous responded, begrudgingly agreeing. The rest of the walk was quite silent, and when they were back at camp, Pho'Bous did exactly as asked, only being stopped briefly at the entrance to his sleeping area by Tar'Rai. 
"If you ever need to talk about something, let me know, okay?" He told Pho'Bous, who just responded with a nod. Then, he went into his tent and got comfortable. Just thinking. No sleep, no dreams, just thoughts. He really hoped Kezrue might finally give him some more attention again soon. 
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